Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Change is here

It's my last day in New York and after speeding around both mentally and physically, it's time for me to look at what change in my world now represents. Sometimes it's just the smallest things, easily overlooked and sometimes, a huge sea-change.

So that's how my mind and current experiences have managed to link these two things...this image & this quote.

6. The Rise of Creative Collectives & Mixed Media Partnerships

The unfortunate thing about trade associations and online websites devoted to one particular field is that they don't help foster creative collaborations across disciplines. An illustrator is unlikely to connect with a photographer in the Society for Illustrators. With the rise of distributed creative production and more independence for creative professionals, we will need to connect and collaborate with creative talents that are different from our own.

I anticipate formal alliances between industry associations. Online websites and industry blogs will become multi-disciplinary (rather than serve, say, just designers or architects or photographers). We will also start to see more co-working arrangements and shared studio space between professionals from different fields. The rise of collectives and loosely assembled creative teams will support the increasing need to connect and collaborate across creative fields.

[From the article shaping the future....]

Yesterday I gave a business presentation in Boston to people who I think are going through this change & for people in the creative world, how big do you want change to be? From radical activism in the Arab world, to women across Europe standing up to misogyny in Italy, it's our time to do something.