Yeah, I've taken a sabbatical for a few weeks as I've been rushing headlong into my new world.
So that said, what's it looking like then:
On the 19th of Sept, I worked with Afarai [Afaina de Jong], the organiser of the Cut & Paste digital tournament in Amsterdam.
We ran a 2 hours workshop with 6 talented 2D/3D & motion graphic digital designers from Amsterdam with 17 people from Nike -- the purpose to inspire them on how creative the digital realm IS & CAN be!
Then I swooped over to Manchester to give a talk on co-creation with the talented Steve Lee a senior designer from Prospect Design. His presentation delved into 'service innovation through digital experiences' -- it took a very consumer/human-centric point of view on design. Check out the site. It was moderated by Steve Lowy young UK entrepreneur of the year 2009 with his youth oriented Umi hotels. He encourages his guests to give as much feedback on their experience & his hotel is full of pretty young [working] things -- in common with the clientele -- they even promote talented young photographers!
The weirdest thing about the whole experience at the conference was first of all getting random Twitter requests from people who I then realised were AT the conference -- having them Tweet about you -- quoting you in their Tweets -- then reading the Tweets on the train to the airport, whilst overhearing 2 young Manch teenage girls talk about boys -- 'They're just rubbish anyway. They're from another planet" -- great insight!
Rushed back to Amsterdam to put together & present on Monday 5th October with Anouk from Intuitive Patterns, on the FUTURE OF DIGITAL. It was for the steering committee of the International Sport & Development Organisation. The premise was that -- as a platform to encourage the pursuit of sport for the empowerment of people -- & that they've spend a fortune on a website since 2007 -- they only have 680 members! We were there to inspire them on the potential of the social web...
Here's a link to a film you might like from Microsoft about how they see the web in 2019 -- I'll post the presentation soon.
Finally, I started & finished a presentation that I gave to the Global Benchmarking Group conference on Wednesday 7th October -- the room was full of data miners & market researchers -- my presentation was on YOUTH THE RECESSION & BRAND REACTION. But one of my favourites was from Levi's & what they're doing with tracking consumer shopping behaviour in store with devices, in collaboration with Envision Retail. we also saw their revamped website...nice.
Sooo, now you & I are up to speed. Everything seemed to be digitally related, even some of the references & case studies I gave at the Wednesday conference. So in the spirit of FREE digital sharing, I'll upload the presentations as soon as I can.