When's the last time you've been to a rave that -- your t-shirt doubles in weight because of your sweat -- that it clings your body & feels like it's been plucked -- damp -- from the dryer & thrown on you. When your legs are so sweaty that your jeans drag themselves down when you -- jump, jump, brraackkk -- when your hair shrinks & flops -- when you wake up the next morning, your legs aching from dancing.
Welcome to a Bassline & BOSS night at Amsterdam's famous Paradiso, where the multi-cultural Dammers stunned me with their love of UK subculture -- 2 Step, UKG, Grime, Funky House & DubStep --
With fingers as guns -- arms were raised in homage to the excellence of DJ's Melly Mel, Gomes & Steve Boomselecter, with Mo MC.
The rise & rise -- the splintering of subcultures -- into yet more subcultures, is fascinating to track, But even more so when they jump an ocean, sea or continent & transform itself. In Amsterdam UKG & more was appreciated by Moluccans dressed as if they had come straight out of Gran Torino -- or Straight Outta Compton -- hip hop heads with their over-graphic tees -- fashionistas with high heels & long legs [I'm seeing more high heels at 'street' club nights these days btw!] -- & casuals with jeans & plain v-neck tees.
But also how the digital world fuels the spread of it, & elements of it -- a case in point is a dance called the MIGRAiNE Skank by Nappa Man K. It's THE tune rght now, huge at rave's & clubs -- has an instruction youtube vid on how to Migraine Skank -- Has Ciara doing it & has Radio 1's Trevor Nelson asking fans to post themselves doing a Nelson skank!
Next time I'm in London, I need a volunteer to take me to a rave, to experience the style & dance origins -- a comparison needs to be made!