I came across a post, that made me despair for how a brand seems to have treat a FANATIC--This guy's story had a sadness that was poignant--a--'When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong--scenario.
This guy has operated Pumatalk for 4-5 years, respectfully declining Puma advertising offers & their offer's to buy it--wanting to stay indie [but now actually regretting not selling]--He used to have 10,000 visits a day that's now dropped to 500, & the reasons as he sees them?
"1. PUMA isn't producing any nice products
2. PUMA's sales has dropped
3. I haven't updated the blog or the photoblog in a while
4. PUMA hasn't sent me any Press Releases"
In a time when brands talk about building relationships with their consumers--Letting others spread their messages--Marketing WITH...this is an example of the worst type of reaction to someone saying no to you.
IF a brand has a fanatic that wants to stay independent, surely the least you can do is KEEP sending press releases & inviting him to events--why cut off the supply to your BIGGEST advocate?? Is it a case of 'Hell Hath No Fury like a Brand Scorned'?
For a brand which has 2 values of Openness & Entrepreneurship--At best it seems like spite & short-sightedness--at worst--Inconsistent--Things that consumers don't value.