Some days you just need so fresh impetus to get to fresh inspiration to feel useful rather that dried-up & useless...we all have insecure days sometimes!
So whilst doing just that [not the drying-up part!], I came across this initiative by
Shepard Fairey, where he's working with 500 city kids from NYC to get involved in a collaborative mural about social injustices....
Via the initiative & in the PSFK interview, Fairey evokes an event in Chicago in 1989 to construct a 520-foot ribbon of whitewashed plywood in Grant Park across from the city's Cultural Center with Keith Haring and 300 kids.

So paraphrasing Fairey in the interview, to
engage young people AS they mature, not WHEN they are mature, to get involved with social issues, though not the freshest insight.. it is & should still be an evolving concept to converse with young people.