for the uninitiated, you NEED, ANDREAS CREWS in your life. Their particular brand of fashion, is described as FASHION & ART ACTIVISM.
They bought this concept to Amsterdam International [really?] Fashion Week. The concept goes like this...take a pile of musty old clothes, make it into a mountain. Invite the local fashionistas to pay 5euros, to select 2-3 pieces, & to take them to the TRANSFORMERS, sitting at their lovely Singer sewing machines, who will make them into an exclusive piece of fashion, only for YOU.
Boiler suit or skirt as a dress madam?
To be honest it had a mixed reception here, since, as the crowd got bigger, & the transformers overwhelmed, they started churning out less than fashionable creations, but at least 2 people from the local Salvation Army, seemed bemused, but impressed!
If you're in Paris' Pigalle area, go & see Maroussia [lookig sultry in above in a blue dress] at the relatively new ANDREAS CREWS STORE.