Whilst casting my eye about East London last week and in particular the high-street which the Truman Brewery & Brick Lane is turning out to be [do you REALLY want to go out there over the weekend??? no not me sir!]. I was sadden to see so many of the retail stalwarts, those with a quintessentially modern English-ness to it...Gloria's trainer store & the fantastically retro-named Butcher of Distinction, have disappeared, gone-under, or whatever recession-type vernacular you would care to use...
What did warm my little heart though, was stumbling across the Dray Walk Gallery, that was showing UNDER WATER COLOURS a 'multimedia exhibition with Jamie Hewlett's [Gorillaz, BBC Olympics, Monkey: Journey to the West]' bloody genius if you ask me! 'refelctions on how climate change costs lives in Bangladesh'. Unfortunately it's finished now, but it was a beautiful, artistic & poignant view from a cutting-edge artist on a freaking important topic. The selection of artist, the positioning of the venue in ultra-hip [?] Truman Brewery, was very shrewd, to capture the attention of the creative crowd & get them to 'move'/do something.
So if you missed it, get on board for THE WAVE, another Oxfam initiative & 'join the UK's biggest ever demo in support of action on climate change'. Taking place on Saturday 5th December, starting at 12pm, thousands of people will stream through the streets of London, settling around the Houses of Parliment.
It doesn't take THAT much to get involved, just a change in attitude & a consideration on what is important.
Do It/Do Something!!