Monday 19 October 2009

Mulling Around Paris

Whilst wiling the way in Paris' over-saturated/over fashion-tourist area of Le Marais, we stumbled upon a copy-cat pair studying fashion at La Chambre Syndicate de la Couture Parisienne, in the store Noir Kennedy.
Marion Fan, the 22 years old short-haired from Taiwan explained when asked about their style -- "We just wanted to have a nautical theme of dress today -- we decided it yesterday". Along with Alpha Mo [is that right?], 21 years old from Beijing, it was great to see their enthusiasm & exuberance in fashion.

What was so evident [apart from the exceptional attention to detail, from Marion's glitter makeup to the plethora of over-sized accessories] was the partnership & friendship between them both.

Check out Marion's musings on her blog It's really interesting to see & hear how someone from a completely different culture see's fashion, music & street-culture in Europe, in particular London & Paris by really living & being a part of it.

Big thanks to Anouk_arts for the beautiful pictures. Check her out on Flickr.

1 comment:

nouks_art said...

thanks for the props :-) small correction on my name tho! "nouks_art" on Flickr!